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25 Years of Afvantage Finance

25 Years of Advantage Finance

Wow, 25 years of business, with many more years to come! As we celebrate this incredible journey so far, we thought we could give you a recap on some of the key events we have endured along the way...

Posted on 19 June, 2024
Caravans in a caravan site

Confident Caravanning! Top 10.

You know us, we're sticklers for preparation and planning. Before hitting the open road, it's crucial to ensure that your caravan is properly prepared for a safe and enjoyable trip. Here's our comprehensive top 10 list to consider when getting your caravan ready for the roads:

Posted on 27 February, 2024
Two people sat in recording studio talking

Welcome to the Advantage Motoring Minute Podcast Series

We're extremely excited to reveal the launch of our new podcast series, aptly titled 'The Advantage Motoring Minute'. Accessible via our social media channels, we have kept both the production and content authentic, featuring our very own Becky Spurrel, in partnership with Glenn Arnold from The Grimsby Institute Automotive Department.

Posted on 27 February, 2024
Family stood next to car

What does having a set of wheels mean to you?

We have had an incredible amount of truly inspiring feedback over the last couple of months on how owning your own set of wheels positively impacts your lives. So good that we have put together a summary of the top 5 emerging themes taken from the data:

Posted on 27 February, 2024
Vehicle driving in dark snowy conditions

Driving in the dark safety tips

It’s that time of the year, where we wake up to go to the work in the dark, and we finish work and come home in the dark. Can you relate? So how do we make sure that every trip we make in the dark is a safe trip?

Posted on 04 December, 2023
5 star review

Over to you...

And as it’s Christmas and the time of Thanksgiving, Here are a couple of lovely comments and feedback you have given us, and for this we want to say thank you. We use what you share to improve and enhance our service, so that we can ensure you get the best experience.

Posted on 30 November, 2023
Two people laughing in car

Greatest Driving Listens: Christmas Special

It’s the Christmas edition of our Greatest Driving Listens series. We thought it was only right and proper to give you our top 10 Advantage Finance Christmas bangers for you to add to your driving playlist. So, here we go...

Posted on 30 November, 2023
Person driving home wearing Christmas hat

Driving Home for Christmas

Getting your car ready for the annual Christmas voyage is one of the most important jobs of the year. Planning, packing, stacking, and loading but don’t forget there are safety considerations, and practicalities to account for. Here are our top tips to ensure a smooth drive home for Christmas

Posted on 30 November, 2023
Car driving over autumn leaves

Preparing your car for Autumn roads

As we all know too well, like every glorious season in the UK, Autumn brings unpredictable weather. Rain, fog, high winds and extra delights like falling leaves, all make driving more challenging. Here at Advantage Finance, we see more than your score, for us that means listening and always looking for little ways we can help our customers out (plus any chance to moan about the weather, and we’re in) So, ahead of the dark nights and mornings, here are some proactive steps you can take to help you get your car autumn-ready.

Posted on 07 September, 2023
Person putting smartphone in handsfree cradle on car dashboard

Greatest Driving Listens: Top 5 podcasts

Welcome to the first instalment of our Greatest Driving Listens series. This time we're focusing on podcasts, and our top 5 faves to drive to. Here at Advantage Finance, we’re just like you, whether it’s commuting or school running we spend so much time in our cars and for us podcasts have become the perfect travel companions. Offering such a great mix of entertainment whether you’re after thought-provoking insights or a good laugh. So just for you we're curated our top 5 driving pods that strike the perfect balance between serious and lighthearted content.

Posted on 07 September, 2023
Woman with two children loading bags into boot of car

Keep your Cool: Essential advice for staying calm on the school run

Calling all school runners, we see you. We know from experience (believe us!) that this is often the most stressful part of the weekday. The scramble to get everyone ready, the traffic congestion, and the time pressure equal frayed nerves. But, keeping your cool while driving on the school run is re-ally important for both your safety and that of your passengers. You’ll have heard us talking about seeing more than your score, and for us that means understanding your stories and helping a little wherever we can. So here are some key tips on how to stay calm and collected on hectic mornings.

Posted on 07 September, 2023
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